I'm calling this blog, SPACE, because...well... that's what it is. It's a place where I'll have more than 140 characters to ramble on about all the movies, TV shows, video games and books(ha!) that I love. It will also cut down on the pointless Facebook/Twitter updates. I think some people will enjoy that.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Número Uno

 How exciting! My first post in this new blog. What should I talk about first? Well, yesterday we had two super-awesome, exciting things happen. We had the Oscar announcements and we had the premiere of...

The Final Season

If that wasn't the most mind-blowing-bending-exploding premiere of a TV show ever, I don't know what is! We saw Jack and Co. in an alternate reality with a whole bunch of old characters. We saw Fake Locke (or Flocke) as the smoke monster, doing a damn good job of killing Bram and his crew. We saw Juliet once more. We saw a whole new group of "Others." And!! We got to see the TEMPLE. The temple was SO badass. It did not disappoint after 3 seasons of build up.

(I tried to find a badass temple picture but had no luck. Sad day.)

But it wasn't all amazing. I thought the first half of the episode had weird pacing. It felt super slow compared to everything that happened in the second half. The scene with Juliet was too drawn out. I mean, I dealt with her death last season, let's get on with the good stuff! 

The alternate reality (or whatever it is) was really well done. I really enjoyed the scenes with Boone/Locke and Jack/Locke. It felt like the first season again! The only thing that worries me is whether or not this type of narrative can go an entire season without becoming too confusing. Will we find out the relevence of this timeline vs. the current island timeline soon? I sure hope so. 

"Sorry you had to see me like that." could become one of my favorite lines in the show's history. Terry O'Quinn actually had me a little bit creeped out as this smokie/MIB/Flocke character. And! It was great that the writers gave us more information about the smoke monster in the premiere. I wasn't expecting that. Now I'm just left wondering, where is home for Flocke and why is he so dissapointed in everyone?!

Last, but definitely not least, is the temple and the new others. These scenes were my favorite of LA X. I could go into everything and try to theorize, but it would take multiple paragraphs. I'll just say, guitar case?! Healing spring?! Cindy is back!?! The guy from Kill Bill Vol. 2 and John Lennon?!?! Giant flare?! GIANT TEMPLE!!?! Dead Sayid?! Ressurected Sayid?!?!!! What. The. Fuck.

I'll end this by saying, the Season 6 premiere was the best since the Pilot.

Oh, and, burn in hell Bram. I always thought you seemed like a douche.


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